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  • Jaume Freire

Actions to fight climate change: can science say something about it?

Climate change is living a new media boom, as it was just before the 2008 economic crisis. This is in great measure thanks to Greta Thunberg, and the #fridaysforfuture movement she started. This is great news, as I feel here in Catalonia, media are finally doing a great pedagogical job, by informing the population on the causes and potential risks IPCC has been alerting for decades. They have even make up new ways to tag the problem in order to create awarness and wake up society: climate emergency, climate crisis, etc.

I hear friends of mine (far from my profession or research topics) starting to talk about climate change and its consequences in our area the same way they do with current political situation or soccer. I have observed how some of them are freaked out with its consequences. Most of them barely knew what climate change really means and that it is happening now and here. Something must be very wrong if general public is starting to know now a problem with this dimension that scientist have been alerting for decades, yes: DECADES (or even before....).

Being properly informed about a problem that put humanity at stake is, of course, great progress. I see journalists discussing in television talk shows and look quite well informed about the problem and believing in climate scientists, but then, however, when they talk about approaching the problem, they seem to not understand what social sciences are. They say politicians have are the responsible of designing solutions (which is partly true), but letting scientist apart at this stage. It is key to understand that anthropogenic climate change has socioeconomic causes.

Some social scientists try to find ways to tackle environmental problems. For instance, almost all economists agree that a well-designed global carbon tax (carbon pricing in general) would be one of the best ways to reduce CO2 emissions without exessively harming economies or creating additional problems, even better than individual voluntary actions, due to the existence of rebound effects. There are other potential measures we are currently discussing about, but this debate is still not present in media. Media and some politicians need to understand that science-based policy solutions is this, believe in scientists, all kinds of scientists.

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