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Tropical Leaves





Articles in refereed journals (JCR):

  1. Bordón, M., Freire-González, J., Padilla, E. (2022). The direct rebound effect for two income groups: The case of Paraguay. Energy for Sustainable Development 70, 430–441.

  2. Bordón, M., Freire-González, J., Padilla, E. (2022). Do household energy services affect each other directly? The direct rebound effect of household electricity consumption in Spain. Energy Efficiency 15(7), 1–21.

  3. Font Vivanco, D., Freire-González, J., Galvin, R., Santarius, T., Walnum, H.J., Makov, T., Sala, S. (2022). Rebound effect and sustainability science: a review. Journal of Industrial Ecology 26(4), 1543–1563.

  4. Freire-González, J., Ho, M.S. (2022). Policy strategies to tackle rebound effects: a comparative analysis. Ecological Economics 193, 107332.

  5. Delgado, F.J., Freire-González, J., Presno, M.J. (2022). Environmental taxation in the European Union: are there common trends? Economic Analysis and Policy 73, 670–682.

  6. Freire-González, J., Martinez-Sanchez, V., Puig-Ventosa, I. (2022). Tools for a Circular Economy: Assessing Waste Taxation in a CGE Multi-Pollutant Framework. Waste Management 139, 50-59.

  7. Freire-González, J., Ho, M.S. (2021). Voluntary Actions in Households and Climate Change Mitigation. Journal of Cleaner Production 321, 128930.

  8. Font Vivanco, D., Nechifor, V., Freire-González, J., Calzadilla, A. (2021). Economy-wide rebound makes UK’s electric car subsidy fall short of expectations. Applied Energy 297, 117138.

  9. Freire-González, J. (2021). Governing Jevons’ Paradox: Policies and Systemic Alternatives to Avoid the Rebound Effect. Energy Research & Social Science 72, 101893.

  10. Vélez-Henao, J.A., García-Mazo, C.M., Freire-González, J., Font Vivanco, D. (2020). Environmental rebound effect of energy efficiency improvements in Colombian households. Energy Policy 145, 111697.

  11. Freire-González, J., Font Vivanco, D. (2020). Pandemics and the Environmental Rebound Effect: Reflections from COVID-19. Environmental and Resource Economics (in press).

  12. Pagiola. S., Honey-Rosés, J., Freire-González, J. (2020). Assessing the Permanence of Land Use Change Induced by Payments for Environmental Services: Evidence from Nicaragua. Tropical Conservation Science 13, 1–15.

  13. Freire-González, J. (2020). Energy taxation policies can counteract the rebound effect: analysis within a general equilibrium framework. Energy Efficiency 13(1), 69-78.

  14. Freire-González, J. (2019). Does Water Efficiency Reduce Water Consumption? The Economy-Wide Water Rebound Effect. Water Resources Management 33(6), 2191–2202.

  15. Freire-González, J., Ho, M.S. (2019). Carbon Taxes and the Double Dividend Hypothesis in a Recursive-Dynamic CGE model for Spain. Economic Systems Research 31(2), 267–284.

  16. Freire-González, J., Puig-Ventosa, I. (2019). Reformulating taxes for an energy transition. Energy Economics 78, 312–323.

  17. Campos Rodrigues, L., Freire-González, J., González Puig, A., Puig-Ventosa, I. (2018). Climate Change Adaptation of Alpine Ski Tourism in Spain. Climate 6(2), 29.

  18. Freire-González, J., Decker C.A., Hall, J.W. (2018). A Linear Programming Approach to Water Allocation during a Drought. Water 10(4), 363.

  19. Freire-González, J., Ho, M.S. (2018). Environmental Fiscal Reform and the Double Dividend: Evidence from a Dynamic General Equilibrium Model. Sustainability 10(2), 501.

  20. Freire-González, J. (2018). Environmental taxation and the double dividend hypothesis in CGE modelling literature: a critical review. Journal of Policy Modeling 40(1), 194–223.

  21. Freire-González, J., Decker C.A., Hall, J.W. (2017). A scenario-based framework for assessing the economic impacts of potential droughts. Water Economics and Policy 3(4), 1750007.

  22. Freire-González, J., Font Vivanco, D. (2017). The influence of energy efficiency on other natural resources use: an input-output perspective. Journal of Cleaner Production 162, 336–345.

  23. Freire-González, J. (2017). A new way to estimate the direct and indirect rebound effect and other rebound indicators. Energy 128, 394–402.

  24. Freire-González, J. (2017). Evidence of direct and indirect rebound effect in households in EU-27 countries. Energy Policy 102, 270–276.

  25. Freire-González, J., Decker C., Hall, J.W. (2017). The economic impacts of droughts: a framework for analysis. Ecological Economics 132, 196–204.

  26. Freire-González, J., Font Vivanco, D., Puig-Ventosa, I. (2017). Economic structure and energy savings from energy efficiency in households. Ecological Economics 131, 12–20.

  27. Freire-González, J., Puig-Ventosa, I. (2016). Effects of the hydraulic infrastructure on economic growth: evidence from Catalonia. Sustainable Water Resources Management 2(2), 199–206.

  28. Font Vivanco, D., McDowall, W., Freire-González, J., Kemp, R., Van Der Voet, E. (2016). The foundations of the environmental rebound effect and its contribution towards a general framework. Ecological Economics 125, 60–69.

  29. Pagiola. S., Honey-Rosés, J., Freire-González, J. (2016). Evaluation of the Permanence of Land Use Change Induced by Payments for Environmental Services in Quindío, Colombia. PLoS ONE 11(3): e0147829.

  30. Puig-Ventosa, I., Jofra-Sora, M., Freire-González, J. (2015). Prevention of Waste from Unsolicited Mail in Households: Measuring the Effect of Anti-advertising Stickers in Barcelona. Journal of Material Cycles and Waste Management 17(3), 496–503.

  31. Freire-González, J., Puig Ventosa, I. (2015). Energy Efficiency Policies and the Jevons Paradox. International Journal of Energy Economics and Policy 5 (1), 69–79.

  32. Font Vivanco, D., Freire-González, J., Kemp, R., Van Der Voet, E. (2014). The remarkable environmental rebound effect of electric cars: A microeconomic approach. Environmental Science & Technology 48 (20), 12063–12072.

  33. Freire-González, J., Puig Ventosa, I. (2014). Economic challenges and opportunities of climate change adaptation: the case of Catalonia. Revista de Estudios Regionales 99, 47–73.

  34. Puig Ventosa, I., Freire-González, J., Jofra-Sora, M. (2013). Determining factors for the presence of impurities in selectively collected biowaste. Waste Management & Research 31 (5): 510–517.

  35. Freire-González, J. (2011). Methods to empirically estimate direct and indirect rebound effect of energy-saving technological changes in households. Ecological Modelling 223 (1), 32–40.

  36. Freire-González, J. (2011). Assessing the macroeconomic impact of water supply restrictions through an Input-output analysis. Water Resources Management 25 (9): 2335–2347.

  37. Freire-González, J. (2010). Empirical evidence of direct rebound effect in Catalonia. Energy Policy 38(5), 2309–2314.

Other articles:

  1. Freire-González, J. (2018). Los beneficios económicos y ambientales de una Reforma Fiscal Ecológica (The economic and environmental benefits of an Environmental Tax Reform). Ambienta 125, 42–49.

  2. Campos, L.M., Freire-González, J., González, A., Puig-Ventosa, I. (2016). Costes y beneficios de la adaptación al cambio climático en el sector del turismo de nieve en España (Costs and benefits of climate change adaptation in winter tourism in Spain). Ambienta 114, 96–108.

  3. Freire-González, J. (2015). L’economia verda: la resposta a la crisi econòmica i ecològica. (Green economy: the response to the economic and environmental crisis). Eines 23, 82–90.

  4. Jofra-Sora, M., Puig-Ventosa, I., Roca Jusmet, J., Freire-González, J. (2014) ¿Es el puerta a puerta más caro que los contenedores? IndustriAmbiente 5: 26–31.

  5. Freire-González, J., Puig Ventosa, I. (2014). Efectos económicos y ambientales del impuesto especial sobre determinados medios de transporte (Economic and environmental effects of vehicle tax). Gestión y Análisis de Políticas Públicas, 10.

  6. Puig Ventosa, I., Freire-González, J. (2013). Aspectes econòmics de la implantació d’un pagament per serveis ambientals en la gestió dels boscos per a millores hídriques a Catalunya (Economic aspects of Payment for Environmental Services in forestry management for water improvements in Catalonia). Revista silvicultura 67, 18–19.

  7. Puig Ventosa, I., Freire-González, J. (2011). Beneficios económicos de una mayor calidad del agua de abastecimiento en el consumo de agua envasada de los hogares (Economic benefits of a higher water supply quality in bottled water consumption in households). Tecnología del agua 334, 60–65.

  8. Puig Ventosa, I., Freire-González, J. (2010). Factores determinantes de los niveles de impropios en la FORM. Infoenviro 54: 29-34.

  9. Puig Ventosa, I., Freire-González, J., Rodrigo Aribau, J. (2010). Caracterización del compostaje doméstico en Catalunya (Characterization of home composting in Catalonia). Equipamiento y servicios municipales 148, 72–81.

  10. Puig Ventosa, I., Freire-González, J. (2009). Competitivitat i medi ambient a Catalunya (Competitiveness and the environment in Catalonia). Idea Sostenible 18.

  11. Freire-González, J. (2009). Eficiència energètica i consum de recursos: una estimació de l’efecte rebot a Catalunya (Energy efficiency and resource consumption: a direct rebound effect estimation in Catalonia). Research papers. Department of Applied Economics. Autonomous University of Barcelona.

  12. Freire-González, J., Puig Ventosa, I. (2009). Consum d’aigua i anàlisi Input-output: simulació de l’impacte macroeconòmic de restriccions sectorials en l’abastament d’aigua (Water consumption and Input-output analysis: simulation of the macroeconomic impact of sectoral restrictions on water supply). Nota d’Economia 93-94: 107–126.

  13. Puig Ventosa, I., Freire-González, J. (2007). Efectos de las políticas ambientales sobre la competitividad (Effects of the environmental policies on competitiveness). Revista Iberoamericana de Economía Ecológica, 6, 52-61.

Books and monographs:

  1. Pagiola, S., Honey-Rosés, J., Freire-González, J. (2017). Assessing the permanence of land use change induced by payments for environmental services: evidence from Nicaragua. Payments for Environmental Services (PES) learning paper; no. 2017-1. Washington, DC: World Bank Group.

  2. Freire-González, J. (2016). Eficiencia energética y efecto rebote. Conceptos, métodos y políticas. Docs 2. Vilanova i la Geltrú. Fundació ENT.

  3. Pagiola, S., Honey-Rosés, J., Freire-González, J. (2014). Evaluation of the permanence of land use change induced by payments for environmental services in Quindío, Colombia. Payments for Environmental Services (PES) learning paper; no. 2014-1. Washington, DC: World Bank Group.

  4. Freire-González, J. (2013). Análisis de los efectos de la reforma del impuesto especial sobre determinados medios de transporte (Analysis of effects of transport tax reform). Papeles de Trabajo nº 7/2013. Instituto de estudios fiscales. Ministerio de Hacienda y Administraciones Públicas.

  5. Ortega Cerdà, M., Font Vivanco, D., Freire-González, J. (2011). Guia sobre finançament i canvi climàtic (Guide on Funding and Climate Change). Oficina Catalana de Canvi Climàtic. Departament de Territori i Sostenibilitat. Generalitat de Catalunya.

  6. Alcántara Escolano, V., Freire-González, J. (collaboration), Puig Ventosa, I. (collaboration) (2010). El Compte Satèl·lit de les Emissions Atmosfèriques a Catalunya (the Satellite Accounts of Atmospheric Emissions in Catalonia). Departament de Medi Ambient i Habitatge. Generalitat de Catalunya (Environment Department, Government of Catalonia).

  7. Puig Ventosa, I., Freire-González, J., Almazor Escartín, L. (2007). Política ambiental i competitivitat de l’economia catalana (Environmental policy and competitiveness of the Catalan economy). Temes de Medi Ambient i Habitatge, Vol.2. Departament de Medi Ambient i Habitatge. Generalitat de Catalunya (Government of Catalonia).

  8. Soley, J., Mendoza, E., de Huerta, S., Freire-González, J. (2006). XBRL: hacia una información financiera transparente (Towards a transparent financial information). Cuadernos del ebcentre. e-business centre PwC&IESE. March 2006.


Chapters in books:

  1. Freire-González, J. (2012). “Cambio tecnológico y consumo de recursos de los hogares”. In: Porro, A. (2012). “Cambio Global España 2020/50. Consumo y estilos de vida”:

  2. Freire-González, J. (2011). “Un modelo Input-output de la energía para la estimación del efecto rebote indirecto en los hogares” (An energy Input-output model to estimate the indirect rebound effect in households). In: Cámara, A.; Cardenete, M. A.; Medina, A. y Monrobel, J. R. (Eds.) (2011): “Sectores estratégicos para un nuevo modelo económico, IV Jornadas Españolas de Análisis Input-Output”, Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, Madrid.

  3. Freire-González, J. (2011). “The effects of energy-saving technological change on energy consumption: assessing the rebound effect”. In: Eds. Ramos-Martín, J., Giampietro, M., Ulgiati, S., Bukkens, S.G.F. “Can we break the addiction to fossil energy?” 7th Biennial International Workshop Advances in energy studies 2010. pàg. 667-676.


Articles in Newspapers:

  1. Freire-González, J. (2018). ¿Por qué es necesario impulsar una Reforma Fiscal Ecológica? Diario16 (16/10/2018).

  2. Freire-González, J. (2005). Hacia la globalización de la información financiera. Expansión (4/3/2005).

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